Yo se que yo debo acostarme, pero tengo que escribir solo un poco sobre mi familia espanola!
I was super nervous to meet my family, but when they called my name and told me that my madre and padre were at the hotel to pick me up, I gathered up my bags with as much confidence as I could muster and hugged Wellington tight as we walked to the (*pause* I've only been in Spain for two days, but already I am forgetting words in English!)... uh... part of the hotel where you check in and there are chairs and it's right inside the front door of the hotel. Yep. Whatever that word is, that's where Welly and I went to meet our family.
I could quickly see that my family was adorable! My madre and padre both quickly kissed me on both cheeks and hugged me and Cristina, the coordinator, told them that I was a very fun and giggly girl and that we'd both have a great time together this summer. She said I'd even brought my own puppy to play with theirs!
On the drive home, they asked me all about myself. They said they'd tried to stalk me on Facebook, but they couldn't find me (oopsies... pesky using my middle name on Facebook...)! They were really adorable and were telling me they all spoke a little English but would not be speaking a word of it to me all summer long! Yay! I then inquired as to whether their dog, Deu, spoke any English? They paused, and for a moment I was worried they thought I was just an insane American, but then went on to tell me that their cleaning lady was from Ukraine and swore that Deu spoke Russian because he always obeys her the best out of everyone! Hahaha!
When we arrived home they quickly showed me to my room and helped me bring all of my luggage upstairs. And ohmygoodness my room is adorable! It has orange-melon colored walls and an orange and red flower-printed bedspread with an orange clothing hamper, to boot! There is a little Japanese lantern next to my bed for my reading light and a Japanese lantern above my bed, as well!! My desk is huge and has a window in front of it and they gave me a bookcase, drawers and a closet with hangers, too! It's SO cozy in here - I love it!!
After they gave me time to pack they called Maria and me ("Chicas! Cena!") downstairs for dinner! Oh - Maria is my hermana! She's also 22!! She was so giddy to meet me -- it was ADORABLE. The last girl they hosted went to UW, as well, so she was super excited that I studied there, as well. When I told them I was from Colorado they were all trying to figure out where that was and informed me that America is just too huge and they need a good map to put up in their house! Hee hee!!
Dinner was really yummy and consisted of salad, empanada (different than in Brazil... but so good) and "french" something which, basically, I'm thinking was like an omlette, but just egg and olive oil. For dessert we had yogurt - adorable. They told me they eat dinner around the TV on their two couches and that watching so much TV everyday in Spanish will improve my Spanish drastically. Ha! But they also said they eat lunch (they call it "comida" here and not "almuerzo") at the dinning room table. How funny!
Deu the Dog loves hanging around during dinner and laid on my feet. Cute! After dinner Maria let him lick the rest of my yogurt. When her dad (Jesus) saw what she was doing, he informed me that Deu became much fatter after she'd returned from her study abroad trip in Germany a while back. Haha.
After dinner, Cruz (mi madre) showed me how to find the bus stop, their house (it's like a townhouse/quadraplex type place) and use the keys (one of them is like those quaint old HUGE keys -- love it). Shortly after Jorge (mi hermano - 20) came home. They all told me before he arrived that he was a very serious sort of person and Cruz walked around the living room real stiffly and saying "Hola" and walking away and then coming back and saying "Adios" really curtly. It was hilarious and Maria and I giggled. ^_^
Since then I've been in my room organizing and unpacking and arranging. Mi padre gave me the password for the internet - which was the longest password I've ever seen in my life and he read me off the whole 25 character long thing in Spanish, which even he admitted was a pretty comprehensive test of my knowledge of numbers and letters in Spanish - and was very proud to have such a ridiculously secure network, as he works with computers I believe as his career.
So, yeah. Things are just SO ducky here. Tomorrow's the first day of school and mi madre is driving me to the campus so that I am not stressed out trying to find the place my first day! ^_^
Although the picture of the day has already been posted, here are a few of my room. Tomorrow I'll get a few of my familia, also!!
Your Jet-set Cupcake <3
Había una vez una chiquita mona y simpática decidió vivir en España por un verano. Ella no podía imaginar las adventuras y las personas que iba a conocer y en cuantas maneras iba a crecer. Esta es su historia. xoxo

martes, 31 de mayo de 2011
Segundo Dia: Orientación
I'm hoping to blog at least once per day, but I gotta tell you... today's been a wee bit... blah. We've done paperwork, received our public transportation passes, our computer cards, gone over policies and just purchased cell phones (my number is 638-23-5227, just in case you're in Europe and wanna drop me a line - lol). We took placement tests and got our school schedule (Spanish Poetry and Spanish Art... or should I take Translation? I can't decide.)
Next up is one more presentation and then meeting our families. We each received a letter from our host mom. My family consists of a mom, dad and son (21) who say they like to play sports, hang out with friends and just chill out. They say they are extremely independent and look forward to making my stay fun. I'm nervous to meet them, but I'll update you as soon as I do!

Picture of the day? A uber attractive shot of my roomie, Megan, and myself while we were waiting for our families to arrive! EEK!
Next up is one more presentation and then meeting our families. We each received a letter from our host mom. My family consists of a mom, dad and son (21) who say they like to play sports, hang out with friends and just chill out. They say they are extremely independent and look forward to making my stay fun. I'm nervous to meet them, but I'll update you as soon as I do!
Picture of the day? A uber attractive shot of my roomie, Megan, and myself while we were waiting for our families to arrive! EEK!
Dia Uno: La llegada
Hola a todos!
He llegado y solo estoy esperando por mi groupo! ;) Son las 10:10 y mi groupo no llegara hasta las 12 horas! Tengo mucho tiempo para descansar y escribir. Yay!
Early this morning when Kristin and I awoke for breakfast on the plane I had the crazy notion to challenge myself to have the same discipline as Laura and see if I couldn't create a travel blog in which I include one picture per post. This way, I will have a central focus and will be able to share tidbits about my journeys abroad in Europe as they happen!! ^_^ I had a lot of pressure on myself to write eloquently and with pizazz, but it's been so long since I've written something other than an essay that I need to give myself a transition time back to finding my voice. >_< BLAH.
To kick things off, I present a glamorous picture of Kristin and myself this morning upon waking up and using our odd Sknives (not sporks... sknives... they were perplexing) to eat a delectable breakfast of yogurt and cold danish. >_> Yeah... jealous?

While quality and compatibility of airplane seat mates can be a terrifying gamble, I lucked out and got Kristin as mine! We quickly discovered that we were both going to Madrid for summer study abroad and had plenty of stories to keep each other entertained for the seven hour plane ride. ^_^ Yay!! As it turns out, Hooters isn't just great for making friends and money, it's great for really random stories to share even after you quit. Hee hee.
Downfalls of my day so far? Well I'm running on four hours of sleep in the past two and a half days... but that isn't bothering me yet. I left my phone aboard the plane and everybody at the information counter is being confusing on how I contact the airline. SO... I figure I wanted an iPhone anyway when I returned home... might as well just get over it (I couldn't have used it here, anyway). Second, the baggage people ripped open my zippers and broke them. Bastards! Chloe the suitcase was MOST offended at such a lack of respect. Happily it's mostly a cosmetic issue, but really... she's still not over it. Poor girl was violated. :-/
Gonna venture around the airport to find some more delicious European Fanta. WHY is this stuff SO much better than the American version?!!?!?
Your jet-set cupcake
Okay so it's only been an hour, but my group found me and now we all have to sit on the airport floor til we get everybody here. Apparently it was snowing or something in Chicago (not surprised), so there are late flights. Our group leader has informed us today is sleep, eat and internet day. Everybody was really excited about this news, except of course for me. I'm ready to EXPLORE! Haven't slept in a few days? No big deal. I'm in SPAIN. WHO NEEDS SLEEP!?!?! >_<
So far I'd like to put Devon and Andy on the list of the most outgoing. Let's see if they keep this up. Might as well monitor other people's behaviors on the trip, 'cause it always turns out that initial impressions are super wrong. :) Social experiment? I mean jeeze louise, if I have to sit around all day on a marble floor, I gotta entertain myself.
A few cute observations:
1.) Thus far when announcements are made in English, they're made in British English and it's adorable.
2.) Aer Lingus is an Irish airline and their pilots all have an Irish accent and their last names all start with an O'something. Hee hee. Does the Irish language (Is Irish a language? Celtic? Eek. Help.) come from Latin, 'cause if so, I'm pretty sure the airline I flew in on is called "Air Tongue." Awkward...
3.) Ceceo is incredibly endearing. TH th thhhh thhhhhhhh... hee hee hee.
4.) The internet has told Kiwi we are in Spain. I know this because google and yahoo come up as google.es and yahoo.es. AWESOME.
5.) I still love when people kiss you on both cheeks as a greeting. It's just so quaint.
He llegado y solo estoy esperando por mi groupo! ;) Son las 10:10 y mi groupo no llegara hasta las 12 horas! Tengo mucho tiempo para descansar y escribir. Yay!
Early this morning when Kristin and I awoke for breakfast on the plane I had the crazy notion to challenge myself to have the same discipline as Laura and see if I couldn't create a travel blog in which I include one picture per post. This way, I will have a central focus and will be able to share tidbits about my journeys abroad in Europe as they happen!! ^_^ I had a lot of pressure on myself to write eloquently and with pizazz, but it's been so long since I've written something other than an essay that I need to give myself a transition time back to finding my voice. >_< BLAH.
To kick things off, I present a glamorous picture of Kristin and myself this morning upon waking up and using our odd Sknives (not sporks... sknives... they were perplexing) to eat a delectable breakfast of yogurt and cold danish. >_> Yeah... jealous?
While quality and compatibility of airplane seat mates can be a terrifying gamble, I lucked out and got Kristin as mine! We quickly discovered that we were both going to Madrid for summer study abroad and had plenty of stories to keep each other entertained for the seven hour plane ride. ^_^ Yay!! As it turns out, Hooters isn't just great for making friends and money, it's great for really random stories to share even after you quit. Hee hee.
Downfalls of my day so far? Well I'm running on four hours of sleep in the past two and a half days... but that isn't bothering me yet. I left my phone aboard the plane and everybody at the information counter is being confusing on how I contact the airline. SO... I figure I wanted an iPhone anyway when I returned home... might as well just get over it (I couldn't have used it here, anyway). Second, the baggage people ripped open my zippers and broke them. Bastards! Chloe the suitcase was MOST offended at such a lack of respect. Happily it's mostly a cosmetic issue, but really... she's still not over it. Poor girl was violated. :-/
Gonna venture around the airport to find some more delicious European Fanta. WHY is this stuff SO much better than the American version?!!?!?
Your jet-set cupcake
Okay so it's only been an hour, but my group found me and now we all have to sit on the airport floor til we get everybody here. Apparently it was snowing or something in Chicago (not surprised), so there are late flights. Our group leader has informed us today is sleep, eat and internet day. Everybody was really excited about this news, except of course for me. I'm ready to EXPLORE! Haven't slept in a few days? No big deal. I'm in SPAIN. WHO NEEDS SLEEP!?!?! >_<
So far I'd like to put Devon and Andy on the list of the most outgoing. Let's see if they keep this up. Might as well monitor other people's behaviors on the trip, 'cause it always turns out that initial impressions are super wrong. :) Social experiment? I mean jeeze louise, if I have to sit around all day on a marble floor, I gotta entertain myself.
A few cute observations:
1.) Thus far when announcements are made in English, they're made in British English and it's adorable.
2.) Aer Lingus is an Irish airline and their pilots all have an Irish accent and their last names all start with an O'something. Hee hee. Does the Irish language (Is Irish a language? Celtic? Eek. Help.) come from Latin, 'cause if so, I'm pretty sure the airline I flew in on is called "Air Tongue." Awkward...
3.) Ceceo is incredibly endearing. TH th thhhh thhhhhhhh... hee hee hee.
4.) The internet has told Kiwi we are in Spain. I know this because google and yahoo come up as google.es and yahoo.es. AWESOME.
5.) I still love when people kiss you on both cheeks as a greeting. It's just so quaint.
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