He llegado y solo estoy esperando por mi groupo! ;) Son las 10:10 y mi groupo no llegara hasta las 12 horas! Tengo mucho tiempo para descansar y escribir. Yay!
Early this morning when Kristin and I awoke for breakfast on the plane I had the crazy notion to challenge myself to have the same discipline as Laura and see if I couldn't create a travel blog in which I include one picture per post. This way, I will have a central focus and will be able to share tidbits about my journeys abroad in Europe as they happen!! ^_^ I had a lot of pressure on myself to write eloquently and with pizazz, but it's been so long since I've written something other than an essay that I need to give myself a transition time back to finding my voice. >_< BLAH.
To kick things off, I present a glamorous picture of Kristin and myself this morning upon waking up and using our odd Sknives (not sporks... sknives... they were perplexing) to eat a delectable breakfast of yogurt and cold danish. >_> Yeah... jealous?
While quality and compatibility of airplane seat mates can be a terrifying gamble, I lucked out and got Kristin as mine! We quickly discovered that we were both going to Madrid for summer study abroad and had plenty of stories to keep each other entertained for the seven hour plane ride. ^_^ Yay!! As it turns out, Hooters isn't just great for making friends and money, it's great for really random stories to share even after you quit. Hee hee.
Downfalls of my day so far? Well I'm running on four hours of sleep in the past two and a half days... but that isn't bothering me yet. I left my phone aboard the plane and everybody at the information counter is being confusing on how I contact the airline. SO... I figure I wanted an iPhone anyway when I returned home... might as well just get over it (I couldn't have used it here, anyway). Second, the baggage people ripped open my zippers and broke them. Bastards! Chloe the suitcase was MOST offended at such a lack of respect. Happily it's mostly a cosmetic issue, but really... she's still not over it. Poor girl was violated. :-/
Gonna venture around the airport to find some more delicious European Fanta. WHY is this stuff SO much better than the American version?!!?!?
Your jet-set cupcake
Okay so it's only been an hour, but my group found me and now we all have to sit on the airport floor til we get everybody here. Apparently it was snowing or something in Chicago (not surprised), so there are late flights. Our group leader has informed us today is sleep, eat and internet day. Everybody was really excited about this news, except of course for me. I'm ready to EXPLORE! Haven't slept in a few days? No big deal. I'm in SPAIN. WHO NEEDS SLEEP!?!?! >_<
So far I'd like to put Devon and Andy on the list of the most outgoing. Let's see if they keep this up. Might as well monitor other people's behaviors on the trip, 'cause it always turns out that initial impressions are super wrong. :) Social experiment? I mean jeeze louise, if I have to sit around all day on a marble floor, I gotta entertain myself.
A few cute observations:
1.) Thus far when announcements are made in English, they're made in British English and it's adorable.
2.) Aer Lingus is an Irish airline and their pilots all have an Irish accent and their last names all start with an O'something. Hee hee. Does the Irish language (Is Irish a language? Celtic? Eek. Help.) come from Latin, 'cause if so, I'm pretty sure the airline I flew in on is called "Air Tongue." Awkward...
3.) Ceceo is incredibly endearing. TH th thhhh thhhhhhhh... hee hee hee.
4.) The internet has told Kiwi we are in Spain. I know this because google and yahoo come up as google.es and yahoo.es. AWESOME.
5.) I still love when people kiss you on both cheeks as a greeting. It's just so quaint.
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