viernes, 12 de agosto de 2011

Day 74: Toledo!!!


Everybody had told me how quaint this little town was, but I hadn't gotten a chance to go... so when I told L that I was thinking of going one of the days she was working, she quickly asked off for a day so we could go exploring together!

By two in the afternoon we had our sandwiches made, four water bottles chilled and put in our day packs and were on the bus! An hour and a half later, we were wandering the adorable streets of Toledo; it felt exactly like how I'd always imagined Europe to feel - old old OLD buildings that are just gorgeous, teeny tiny streets with adorable balconies filled with flowers and sweet little touristy shops!

We wandered all the way to the main plaza to see the cathedral, and then deemed it time for lunch. We tried to get down to the river, but gave up when we found the first shady spot with a place to sit! The view was amazing and the cheese on the sandwiches was all melty and yummy - hee hee. :) Oh, sun - sometimes 100 degree + weather can be a good thing!

After our picnic lunch break, it was on to find something COLD to drink (our four water bottles were already empty and the heat, though good for the cheese situation, was not as wonderful for our imminent heat-stroke symptoms!). We climbed up a hill, found a mini market and got some chilly liquids to refuel! While I, of course, chose an Orange Fanta, L went with a beer. When we went to pay, the lady at the cash register looked at the beer, looked at both of us, and then asked L, "Um, exactly how old ARE you?"

Hahahahahahahhaha. The legal age to buy alcohol in Spain is 18. L started giggling and answered, "Almost 26 - do you want to see my ID?!" The poor lady looked at both of us again and looked SO perplexed but said "No, that's okay..." and quickly rang us up. Always a good thing when you look 8 years younger than you really are - LOL!!!

We took our cold drinks over to a bench in the shade with a really gorgeous view of surrounding Toledo.

We spent the rest of the afternoon exploring Toledo; mountainsides, old fortress walls from the 10th century, tiny little roads with cars that could barely fit around the corners, and... shoe shopping! We were trying to get to the center of town to get tickets for the sight-seeing train, but on our way found a shoe store with the cheapest shoes EVER. Seriously. We got three pairs of shoes for 17 euro! YAY!!! ^_^

After our shoe shopping spree, it was on to the adorable train ride that took us all around Toledo, showing us the churches, the walls, the bridges, the EVERYTHING all while giving little explanations in Spanish and English. Cuuuuuute!


After seeing so much of Toledo, I gave in to the whole wanting a sword from Toledo thing. Toledo is the spot in Spain known for its swords and there are sword shops EVERYWHERE! And so... I did. ;) Awesome.

After a long day of exploring, we took a few more pictures of the beautiful town and caught the bus home. Talk about being POOPED!!

So. Much. Fun!
Jet-set Cupcake

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