sábado, 18 de junio de 2011

Day 20: "Going Dora Explorer up in this Bi*ch"

{[( I iz exHAUsted. Therefore, this entry will mostly be a photographic account of my Saturday in Asturias. Phew! )]}

I'm not gonna lie; I wanted nothing to do with waking up. I somehow made it to the bus and passed out. So when I woke up and we ended up on top of a mountain, I was not enthused. Mountains = Hiking ...and... Hiking = Being Awake. BUT, after about five minutes I realized sleep could wait. There were copious amounts of cows everywhere you turned (and, in turn, cow pies – yum), lush greenery abound, sweet little perfectly turquoise lakes and clouds touching the peaks. I've never claimed to be much of a nature enthusiast, but this was honestly breathtaking.

 It's a Mine! OMG!

 It's a cow! Thumbs up!

 Bunches of Stairs! Woohoo!

We ran through a mine, galloped up mountains, listened to Ryan sing, “The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Music,” took a million pictures and tried to see how close we could get to the cows before they tried to charge at us. Amazing.

 Hooters Girl stance - you're doin' it right!


 Madre Mia, we're just so attractive. Gotta love the wind-blown look!

 Skipping along. . .
 Tra la la!!

 Um, I <3 this picture!

 Artsy? I tried...

A few hours later, as we drove back down the mountain, we saw sheep (two black ones, too, but no pink ones – lol), sheepdogs (adorable!), horses in the middle of the road and about a million more cows. Hee hee. So cute. If I were an animal, I'd love to live here!
 It looked like all of the cows had just gotten off their tour bus and were ready to take some pictures!! Haha!

 Sheep Dogs and the token Black Sheep! Awww!!


Next it was off to a crazy cathedral and a little church build inside a cave on the side of a huge rock. Oh, Covadonga cathedral... you're awesome (thanks, L). Covadonga is (apparently?) the name of the Saint patron of Asturias, the Virgin of Covadonga... at least according to some sources. These facts have yet to have been checked out for validity. ;) Haha.

 Gorgeous Cathedral.

 Cueva (cave).

 MY FAVORITE PICTURE SO FAR OF SPAIN. (It's currently my desktop picture.)

Next it was off to a tiny town on the ocean -- Ribadesella -- for lunch and free time. A few of us decided to take a hike up to a little old church on the top of a mini mountain and then Megan and I wandered the streets. We got a smoothie and I bought shoes. YAY SHOES!

 So much wind! And Ocean! Yay!


 The girls sitting on a cannon - hahaha.

 Yay! I <3 Andy!

 These flowers are stunning!

*PAUSE* UM... I ADORED this little horse. He stared down at us as we were walking along a path and he just kinda stood there, gazing as if he were some secret, wise wizard and was wishing us a peaceful and prosperous journey.  <3

Looks like pictures from an equine-loving "Pushing Daisies." HAHAHA!! ^_^

 *More Ocean*

 Chocolate Raptor Walk?! o_O I think so!

 "We're going Dora Explorer up in the Bi*ch!" - Megan

I got cute, pink sandals that are "very Spanish." Yay! ^_^

Vegetation NOT growing in your boat -- you're going it wrong, Red Boat.

I'm sure there's plenty more that I'm forgetting, but jeeze louise! All this traveling business is exhausting! Time for this little cupcake to go to sleep!

Jet-set Cupcake

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