viernes, 24 de junio de 2011

Day 25: Corpus Christi = Pithy Post

I promised myself I'd post a blog every single day of my Spain adventure, but Thursday was a holiday here in Spain (Corups Christi - yeah, like the place in Texas), so I'm giving myself a free pass to write only a few pithy sentences about my day.

Today I learned:

1) Spain has its own, very distinct smell. It smells of freshly hung laundry to dry, cooking, air and old buildings. It's a delightful concoction for your schnoz when you get used to it. Makes me feel really tranquil and blithe.

2) Spanish people are not afraid to be very loud in their own homes, even when they share a little courtyard window with about 25 other neighbors. This is both bothersome and ridiculously interesting. It's truly better than a TV show to listen to the crazy conversations these people scream at one another. It's like, you have the words, but you have no context nor images, so you kinda get to fill in the blanks at your whim. Makes things interesting.

3) Being surrounded by three languages (two of which you know more or less) in one room is a good time any way you slice it.

4) Mashed potatoes are my comfort food. I <3 them more than is rational. Normal mashed potatoes, mashed potatoes with gravy, garlic cheesy mashed potatoes, purple mashed potatoes. Whatever. YUM.

5) Burlesque is pretty much one of the best movies I've ever seen. Makes me wanna DANCE. Hell yes.

Jet-set Cupcake

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