jueves, 21 de julio de 2011

Day 53: It's JULY 21!! OMFG!!!

Guess what today is?!?!?!
July 21st!!!
Guess what happened three years ago today!!! SCANDALOUSNESS!!! ^_^ OMG!!!
No, but really... had what happened three years ago today not happened... I would not be writing this blog, I wouldn't be in Spain,  and I would be NOBODY like who I am today. July 21, 2008 officially goes down as one of the most life-changingly awesome days of my existence. <3
In honor of today being July 21st, I present to you a Panda Dance outside of my favorite building in Alcala. (Special thanks to Dave in helping me out with it!)

Copious amounts of Panda love! <3

Jet-set Cupcake

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