sábado, 18 de junio de 2011

Day 19: ASTURIAS (Part I)!

My study abroad group here in Spain, CIEE, has two planned trips during the summer. Our first trip? To Asturias!

After arriving home approximately one hour before I needed to be on the bus to Asturias, I gulped down a fresh squeezed glass of orange juice (In Spain, they serve you fresh squeezed orange juice with a huge packet of sugar! Ingenious. Why has nobody figured out this is the correct way to drink OJ in the USA???) and a nom nom nommed on a nepolitana chocolate (chocolate croissant) on my way home from the train station. I threw a bunch of stuff in my bag, grabbed my bag of sandwiches off the kitchen table, faced the giggles and the “you were out laaaaate last night”s from mi familia and lugged my forty pounds of schtuff to the meeting place. Shit show? I think so.

 A special hat I found just for L! ;)

The bus ride was about eight hours long, but we took two mini rest stops. What'd I do at the first one? Have a second chocolate croissant and fresh OJ with sugar. So. Yummy. Hahahaha. ^_^

 Andy fell asleep at our 30 minute rest stop off the bus (LOL), so Ryan and Dave began to profess their love.

The rest of the trip in the bus I pretty much spent sleeping, just like my dearest amiga, Megan, who perhaps meant a little more business about it:

 Aaaaand Megan brought a Christmas teddy bear blanket and pillow to get all cozy on the bus.Cuuuuuute!!

When I did wake up at last, the scenery was amazing. Driving north means driving into the most lush, verdant terrain you've ever seen. Colorado's mountains are beautiful, but these ones looked like Rocky Mountains meet copious amounts of rain that colored the leaves a million shades of deep, bright green.

 Pretty views from the bus!!

The first official stop along our weekend long journey was in Oviedo, where Fausto (our adorable guide) took us on a mini walking tour of the sights. For the second time, my growing knowledge of Spanish art and architecture history paid off -- that class with Antonio the super gay man is such a hoot that I often forget how much I'm actually learning every day for 2.5 hours! Seeing a Romanic arch standing innocently in the middle of their main plaza's park was shocking. It looked like something that belonged in a museum, but there it was – hang'n out... being practically 1,000 years old.

 Crazy old Romanic arch chill'n in the park.

Oh! The gay over-tones the guys of my group display 24/7 make me happy as a lil clam. My goodness.

 Mickey and Dave ... just do'n their thing... LOL


 Found a PANDA for my JP! ;)

As it turns out, Oviedo has some pretty strange sculptures  -- two of which have a serious ass theme. And I'm being serious.

 Hmmm... this triangular butt crack looks oddly familiar... ;)
I <3 this artist and that he also has statues in Denver. Sweet.

 Random fact: Spain <3s Woody Allen. Woody Allen also <3s Spain; hence, "Vicky Christina Barcelona." And Chelsea <3 "Vicky Christina Barcelona." WOOHOO!!!

 WOODY! You have a bright pink shop here! And it's only called Woody 'cause there is a big statue of Woody Allen outside the shop! Haha!

Studying Gothic architecture in Spanish Art History class this week and then taking a trip this weekend where I could actually see the bovedas estrelladas and the arcos and walk inside the daunting structure was surreal. Honestly.

 This. Cathedral. Is. Amazing.

Try'n to be cute in the plaza, despite my seven hour nap and crazy, crazy hair. Not quite sure what Matt's doing in the back of the picture, mess'n it all up... Grrr...

 Awwww... Megan and I are ADORABLE. Admit it.

After our tour of Oviedo, we journeyed on towards a little mountain that had two really old structures that looked liked they'd been persevered in a tiny little time capsule just for us in the middle of the trees!

 Really really old church on the side of a random mountain. So cool.

 I look dorky, but my Desigual skirt looks adorable. ;) Super old palace in the background.

 See no evil. Hear no evil. Speak no evil.

 So. Gorgeous. Hydrangeas are EVERYWHERE here in Spain!!! <3

When we finally arrived in Cangas de Onis, it was time for some Tapas and Sidra (it's like apple cider, but fermented, and you have to pour it in a funny way so that it gets oxidized, but really it's just not very good) and a little journey to the old Roman bridge and an "extreme" adventure with the boys. Why is hanging out with the guys in groups always just so much more fun?!

 The boys decided to go skinny-dipping (well, they left their underroos on) in the river at 12 am under the old Roman bridge. Hell Yes!!

And finally, after a long day and wandering around the city at night, it was time to walk home... RAPTOR STYLE!!! As it turned out, hanging with my group was a lot more fun than I'd expected. It usually takes me awhile to warm up to large amounts of people, but I'd say so far so good. Woot!

Raptor Walking with Andy!!! ^_^ YAY!!!

 More from our journey soon!

Jet-set Cupcake

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