martes, 28 de junio de 2011

Day 30: Hey, Dove Deodorant -- valiant effort but this Spanish sun is KICKING your ass.

I've decided that as long as it's 40 degrees C around this joint, I'll have no other option than to become an official ice creamsicle taste tester. Every other day (MINIMUM) I shall purchase a new type of ice creamsicle and let you dears know which one is the best. So far I've tried:

1) Cookies and Cream.
This one is delicious. It has just the right amount of cream mixed with chocolate mixed with crunch. It doesn't melt too rapidly nor is it too frozen to take a large, greedy bite. The only downside is the flavor isn't anything that's going to amaze you - it's just a classic take on a faithful standby.

2) Dark Chocolate Raspberry.
This one was discovered this weekend (AT LONG LAST) after having seen countless posters advertising its seemingly mythical existence. Dark Chocolate Raspberry ice creamsicle is a million steps beyond scrumptious. Just don't get attached to this kind, because it's hard to come by and will leave you feeling disappointed when you have to settle for a "normal" ice creamsicle rather than the creme de la creme of them all.

3) Cheesecake
Now I was really hopeful about this little guy. It's an ice creamsicle covered in white chocolate with little pieces of strawberry cheesecake bits in the ice cream center. Disappointingly, however, the flavor left a lot to be desired. It pretty much tasted like white chocolate yogurt, rather than any sort of rich Cheesecake Factory summer creation. Got my hopes up too high on this one, I admit. It wasn't bad... it just wasn't... breathtaking.

Perhaps after my siesta and a bit of studying I'll venture out to the popsicle stand on the corner near the roundabout in front of my house (how QUAINT does this all sound right now??) and try a forth flavor. They have about 30 of them and I intend to try every single one, minus, of course, those that have nuts.

Anyway, this is about as interesting as this blog post might be today, as tomorrow are final exams for this month's summer classes. Little gay professor man has given us an essay to write, a presentation to prepare and studying to be completed without ever having received a review in or out of class! What the eff, little gay professor man?? Fijais! These chicos y chicas (i.e. your "dear estudents") need mas cosas to help them study here. Dos minutos will not be enough for once! (SORRY -- too many inside jokes from one class and not enough time to explain them all. At least David, Andy and Libby will understand and potentially wet their pants upon reading the previous few sentences...)

As if that isn't enough to occupy my precious blogging time, dear, sweet Ernesto has given us 30 poems in the last week and a half to study for tomorrow's exam! Whoa, there Ernesto. You know I <3 you and your class but thirty is getting a little crazy, even for this tenacious chica. Note below the OVERKILL of info and poetry (keep in mind these are front and back and that half of the poems are online):

 Stereotypical American complaints aside ("You want us to actually LEARN something? Eww. Why would you push us to do such a thing? I came to Spain to drink and party with my other American home girls - please stop trying to interrupt my study abroad experience with actual academic work. Kthxbai.), Ernesto's class has been one of the most enjoyable classes I've taken in awhile. His ingenious command over Youtube and American music/culture coupled with his authentic enthusiasm and silliness (sometimes I swear he sounds like Kermit the Frog IN SPANISH when he's trying to act out a poem) make (almost) all of the poems easy to relate to and intriguing to ponder.

Okay I'm so amused that I finally admitted to myself that Ernesto's silly voice for real sounds like Kermit the Frog that I have to pull an Ernesto and present you with a brief Youtube video just so you can experience the amazingness for yourself. I've found a theme (Happy vs. Sad) that pertains nicely to our poetry class as well. *ahem* Without further ado, I present to you how Professor Ernesto sounds while trying to dumb down poetry for the, well, dumb girls who sit in the back of the class:

Hahahahahahha.. it's just so perfect. I can't hardly stand it. Hahahaha. Oh, and to think I gave Ernesto the web address to my blog... let's see if I get any comments on this tomorrow during my exam, shall we? HA.
Anyway... back to being sincere... *serious face*

Previously, I believed the best path towards self-reflection and understanding was through creation (writing, dancing, playing music, etc.) but for the first time I've started to see that simply by reading others' writing I can achieve a similar level of introspection. Surprising -- delightfully surprising. I may have to add this little tool to my tool bag of techniques for self-reflection and introspection. Yay! New tool! ^_^

Okay - I'm gonna be real Spanish here and take a siesta before I begun studying.

Jet-set Cupcake

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